Mobile/ Off site Painting Parties in Northern NJ
Want us to bring the party to you? No problem! The Paint Zone Art Studio offers mobile painting parties for both kids and adults. We specialize in Corporate Team Building events and help enhance team spirit by bringing our studio to your office or a location of your choice.
We can turn your office into an art studio in minutes, we will bring everything you need to have a one of a kind experience in the location of your choice. Please remember NO ARTISTIC SKILLS REQUIRED.
We have experience in organizing corporate events and painting nights outside of our own studio. One of our latest event was held at Hilton Hotel in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ for the Sales Representatives at the Hershey Company. That was the sweetest event, we’ve ever had. Food, drinks and lots of fun. The painting was created specifically for the party and with accordance to the customer’s needs.
We were so delighted to get the reviews from the Hershey Company:
“Thank you so much! We had a blast! Appreciate your professionalism and excellent organization for the event!” - Hannah
“That was so far the best experience and team building event we've ever had” - Jennifer
We worked with:
1. The Hershey Company, the mobile corporate party took place at Hilton Hotel in Hasbrouck Heights
2. The Barker Lounge in Cranford https://www.facebook.
3. A Star is Rising Early Child Care Center in Bergenfield https://www.facebook.
4. Franklin Elementary School in Bergenfield, we hosted a Fundraising Event at the Firehouse https://www.facebook.
5. Marsh & McLennan Agency at Somerset and Saddle Brook locations
6. Pierrepont School Fundraising
Email us at for more information on our mobile painting parties or corporate events.
To book your own private party, please click here